
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Carnival Begins

It's hard to make in introduction to something this broad. This blog is a culmination of a lot of things which I feel responsible for telling you from the start.

Priorities first. My major resolution for the coming year sounds simple: to be happy. Of course that's easier said than done. I just fined Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project (correction: I devoured it) and know that I can take steps to change my life without, well, changing my life.

One of the ways I myself do this is by exploring the world around me. I tend to feel limited by concrete mathematics or ideas that are unchangeable. I love to analyze literature, work with living creatures, and explore everything that this world has to offer. Philosophy captivates me. There is nothing as abstract and not set in stone as exploring the very principles of human nature. This is how I tend to learn my history, as results of human nature as opposed to as facts and timelines.

The ideas of the world are not concrete. They never will be. And it is because of this that we see the world through many different lenses. I think of each lens as a different paradigm, or state of thinking. But identifying the paradigms we tend to believe is not enough. Part of the thrill of exploring the world is having paradigm shifts: "A complete change in thinking or belief systems that allows the creation of a new condition previously thought impossible or unacceptable."

One can't have paradigm shifts without open-mindedness. What better place to look for different opinions than the internet? Everyone has one; anyone can publish one. Don't assume this is only talking about politics. I mean ideas surrounding philosophy. Science. Religion. History. Art. All the rest. It's a carnival. A paradigm carnival.

I can't completely predict what will pop up in posts. You see that photo at the top? It's wonderful. I'm not completely sure what to say about it, but I certainly feel the need to share it. I attribute a lot of my searching to the internet, particularly StumbleUpon, because I've found an abundance of opinions and ideas through it. School will also play a part. Based on the things I tend to take note of, I have a feeling that posts will be filled with quotes, photos, questions, opinions, quirky things, creative things, product reviews, humor, writing samples...the list goes on and on.

All in all, I think this blog is an inspiration book of sorts. I often feel overwhelmed by all the amazing things around me, and I know I get a lot out of free-writing about them. Comments are more than welcome; I can't explore open mindedness all by myself. Inspiration books, or whatever you want to call this collection of posts, is a form of self-education and exploration. I love this quote by Jim Rohn: “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” Let the journey begin.

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