
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Simply Smashing

I have an interesting mix of traits--I'm both a neat freak and a pack rat. But, being a neat freak, I've learned organized and fun ways to do the collecting and keeping of keepsakes that I love.

For example, I keep my "little black book" full of inspiration for style and jewelry, which I talked about on my other blog here. I collage like this:

It's so much fun to collect, paste in, and look through later!

I also like collecting a myriad of other things, though--ticket stubs, quotes, neat pictures, invitations and cards, strange everyday findings, and more. But I haven't really had a place to put them...

How fitting that I stumbled upon this neat idea today at Michael's!

These are Smash Books, and they're a great way to collect various findings or even do a shabby-chic scrapbook! 

These books are so cool--they're spiral bound on the inside and have lots of beautiful pages inside for you to cover any way you want. They even come with things like pockets to collect other things. 

Here's a cool video that shows what you can do with Smash better than I can.

As you can see, the books come with a Smash pen, which has a nice black been on one side and a glue stick on the other, so whenever you need to paste in your latest finding, you have glue with you! There are even other fun add-ons you can buy if you want, like these removable labels.
How fun is that? I'm excited to paste in recipes, lists, paint chips, and more. Perfect for the constant collector!

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